The 94th Annual General Meeting of the Hampton Rovers Amateur Football Club was held on Monday 20th November at the Hampton RSL. The Annual Report is now available.
The 2023 Hampton Rovers Annual Report includes season reports for all teams, senior and junior President reports, historical stats and more.
The AGM, held at the Hampton RSL due to the renovations underway at Boss James Reserve, was a straightforward affair, with modest profit recorded by the club in 2023 and the Chairman, Senior and Junior President’s going around again in 2024.
There are a few vacant positions on both the senior and junior committees for 2024, so if you’re interested in getting involved, please reach out. The makeup of the committees and Board are listed below..
Senior Committee:
President: Gary Nash
Vice President & Sponsorship: Andrew McGregor
Secretary: Anthony Naumoff
Treasurer: Megan McCartney
Support Liaison: Dean Lovig
Media/Communications: Cameron Voss
Manager Football Operations: Jamie Stanfield
Social & Events: Sam Clements
General Committee: Alana Graham
General Committee: Sean Crisp
General Committee: Gavin Sharp
General Committee: Zach Donald
General Committee: Nick Jewell
Junior Committee:
President: Rohan Bardwell
Secretary: James McIntyre
Treasurer: Michael Curtis
Football Manager: Vacant
Registrations Officer: Kimberley Bartal
Junior Board Representative: Jason Nicholl
Child Safety/ Incident Officer: Jade Ghoukassian
Grants & General Committee: Thomas Prendergast
(Further positions remain vacant)
Board of Management:
Chairman of the Board: Steve Anderson
Senior President: Gary Nash
Junior President: Rohan Bardwell
Junior Committee Treasurer: Michael Curtis
Junior Board Representative: Jason Nicholl
Senior Committee Treasurer: Megan McCartney
Senior Club Secretary: Anthony Naumoff