On 26 November 2012, the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (and its associated Regulations) replaced the Associations Incorporation Act 1981.
The Act details the rules that the Hampton Rovers Amateur Football Club must comply with in order to maintain its status as an Incorporated Association, which is documented in our constitution.
In order to comply with the updated Act the Committee has chosen to update our constitution.
The Committee has taken the opportunity to update several components of the constitution in a minor way:
(Section 17) to include the word email where appropriate.
(Section 19) The major addition to the constitution is a defined Grievance Procedure, much of which we had already covered, but an update is required.
# On top of this we have received a request to amend the constitution in respect to the number & makeup of the Members of the Board.
(Section 21 & 22) Election Of Office Bearers & Board Of Management Structure
Proposed: Jim Westhead, Seconded: Tony Naumoff
This has been included in the update and requires further discussion at the 2013 AGM before approval.
– View the current Hampton Rovers constitution
– View the proposed changes
The amendments require us to vote and pass them at the upcoming club Annual General Meeting on Monday 25 November 2013.
If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to vote, please email club secretary Tony Naumoff directly to advise of your nominated proxy to vote on your behalf.