Hampton Rovers Club Memberships are now available for the 2012 season.
Funds raised from club membership in 2012 will directly assist us with a major project which will benefit supporters. With the completion of the $800,000k Boss James Reserve resurfacing, the club is planning to construct new terracing in front of the clubrooms, resulting in an improved experience for all supporters. The project will be 100% funded by the two tenant clubs of the ground and your support will be greatly appreciated.
Club Memberships begin at just $55 and there are five packages available. Bronze & higher packages include admittance to Presidents Luncheons held prior to senior home games. The first two luncheons of the year have been big ones with over 100 people in attandance at the first and around 75 at the second. There are still seven luncheons remaining in 2012. Youll be recognised on the website, in every eNewsletter and the Annual Report. A number of additional benefits are also included.
Being a club member also ensures you may consume alcohol at the Boss James social rooms without signing the guest book on each occasion. (New rule forced on the club by the department of justice).
There are numerous ways to purchase your Hampton Rovers Club Membership, including online using your credit card. Simply click on the following link for more information. The club encourages all supporters in both the senior and junior sections of the club to financially support the Rovers by purchasing a membership in 2012. As always the club appreciates your support.
Click here to view 2012 Club Members >>
The following are automatically SOCIAL MEMBERS of the club: Life Members, Senior players who have paid their subs & Parents of junior players who have paid their subs. Automatic Social Members do not receive the benefits as listed under membership packages. The club encourages these members to purchase a financial club membership to further support the club. Please note the club’s liquor license states only members of the club may consume alcohol at our premises without signing the guest book on each occasion.