Firstly I would like to congratulate the senior team on making it to two successive Grand Finals in as many years, it is a great achievement and the club is very proud of their feat.
On Saturday, I was advised that we had a fantastic amount of support behind the coach’s box which acted in accordance with the spirit of our game and encouraged the boys to achieve the win.
However this has been tarnished by a group of people who were situated on the balcony and in the social bar; these people although the majority were not directly linked to the club were inappropriate to say the least and do not represent what our club is about. The VAFA & Hampton Rovers AFC are extremely disappointed with their actions. Our club will not only be on show on the ground this weekend, we will also be watched closely off the ground due to a small minority of apparent supporters.
I ask you if you are a true supporter of our great club, to please distance yourself from the Sandringham Social Club. We are having a committee member manning the landing of the social bar & all Hampton Rovers supporters are under instruction from the club not to drink before or during the game, quite obviously alcohol fuels emotions and we can not afford a similar display which occurred on Saturday.
The club has been strongly advised by the VAFA that if a similar incident occurs this week, there will be dire ramifications against the club – therefore if you could please respect the club & committees wishes and act within the spirit of the game before, during & after the presentations are made, the club would greatly appreciate it.
Premiership opportunities don’t come along very often, so be passionate and supportive within the spirit of the game & hopefully we can all enjoy the spoils of the success later on in the evening.
Go Rovers!
Best Regards,
Tim Wilson
Senior President