VAFA Fixture Updated

The 2007 VAFA Fixture has been updated. The Hampton Rovers will now take on Old Paradians at home in Round 1 of the season on April 28. The Under 19’s fixture has also now been released with the Rovers taking on Peninsula away first up.

Round 2 will see the Rovers take the short trek to Old Mentonians, followed by Yarra Valley at home in Round 3. The Rovers will now play consecutive away games in rounds 6 and 7 but will now finish the season playing at home in a big game against Oakleigh.

The season is now under two weeks away. Make sure you get down to support the Rovers in Round 1 at Boss James Reserve. Book your spot now for the first pre-game Luncheon of the year – click here to book online.

CLICK HERE to view the 2007 Senior Fixture.
CLICK HERE to view the 2007 Under 19 Fixture.

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