
Rovers Auskick named Centre of the Year

Hampton Rovers Auskick was named 2014 AFL Auskick Centre of the Year at Tuesday’s SMJFL/Southern Region Auskick awards night in recognition for what has been a huge year at our centre.

This award recognises Rovers Auskick’s absolute focus on reducing the coach-to-player ratios with more qualified coaches, connection to the Junior and Senior sections of the Hampton Rovers Football Club, building player pathways from Auskick through to junior competition, enhancing the equipment, improving communication and creating more opportunities for girls to play football by starting a girls only group.

This is a fantastic accolade for our centre and everyone who volunteers their time to make Auskick happen.  In addition to this, coordinator Louise Khanbashi was nominated and acknowledged as finalist for AFL Auskick Coordinator of the Year.  The awards will be on display at the club for all to see.

There has been a great connection with the Seniors in 2014. Saturday August 16th was the final of the Auskickers playing a mini game during half time of the Hampton Rovers Seniors.  To ensure that the Auskickers went out with a bang, and in acknowledging our real focus of Girls footy, we ran a Girls-only game which was enjoyed by all. Thanks go out to the Seniors for their enthusiasm in helping the Rovers Auskickers connect with their club.

Hampton Rovers Auskick

On July 26th, Auskick was “taken over” by Hampton Rovers senior players.  The kids loved seeing Boss James Reserve awash with the boys in Gold and Green and got to show their skills off in front of ‘real footy players’.  The boys joined our Auskick coaches to run activities in Handballing, bouncing, kicking, marking and general ball skills but the favourite by far was the Bouncing station at which the Auskickers got to take a speckie on the back of the seniors once they had successfully bounced the ball 10 times in a row.  Well done to all for coming together to make this day a success. After the session, many Auskick parents attended the Hampton Rovers Home Game President’s Luncheon which also had guests from the Sandringham Football Club.

Hampton Rovers Auskick

Hampton Rovers Auskick has gone from strength to strength in 2014 with around 190 participants and next year is set to be even bigger and better. It’s not over just yet with three sessions remaining in the coming weeks at Boss James Reserve on Saturday mornings.

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