U13 East had a fantastic year, a year where we had actually benefitted from learning new techniques of football and strategies of the game. As a first year Coach with the assistance of Matt Larkworthy, I feel we had taken the boys to a new level in their football career.
It was a year of mixed fortunes, one week on top the next week out of the four, due to fixture changes. We had started the season strong, and within 2 weeks our list had depleted by 3 with injuries and illnesses.
We had some great games that saw some of our lower to middle group players put in some magnificent performances, and had been rewarded by receiving BOG votes. We had a slight slump, mid season due to our fixture changes, which saw more than one third of our team away on holidays for 2 weeks.
It had then put us in a situation were we had a must win situation for our last 3 games to play off in the finals. We had played some of our toughest football ever during these games. We got through to make the elimination final verses the Vampires and what a game that was. Behind all day only to snatch victory in the last 2 minutes of the game. Following week we came up against Ajax, but unfortunately were jumped at the beginning of the game and never recovered.
Regardless of the end of year result, it was a great year, and I still believe we were the better team of the 2009 MSJFL U13 East Division.
I would like to thank all the players, for a year of self discipline and respect to the Coaching Staff, Parents, other Teams and Themselves.
I would like to thank all the parents and their support throughout the year and all the personal messages that were passed on throughout the year.
Also Matt Larkworthy, that was their week in week out, as assistant Coach. The planning that goes on behind the scenes is amazing. Thanks Matt.
Of course all the Runners, Coaching Staff, Trainers, Photographers and Parents for supplying there time, sweets and oranges
Again the boys, thanks for a great season, will catch up early next year.
Chris Toouli