2009 was a magnificent season for the u/11 East Rovers, who inexplicably found themselves promoted to the East Division over summer by the MSJFL but nevertheless, in true Shinboner Rover Spirit, toiled manfully all year for two wins and a handful of very narrow losses.
This was the 3rd season the boys had played together and it showed as the season progressed. Teamwork was increasingly in evidence, characterised by wonderful handball skills and fast movement of the ball.
During the season, we maintained our player rotation policy, whereby every boy received an equal share of time on the ground and in each part of the oval. Not only was this well received by boys and parents, it gave rise to a broad apprenticeship for the players, each of whom now understands the rigors of the backline, the challenges required to be a successful forward and the fitness demanded onball. Consequently, the team is now very well rounded and eager to continue its improvement in season 2010 under a new Coaching regime.
Here are the 5 Award winners
and by the way, the Coach did not cast Best & Fairest votes!
Best & Fairest: Hamish Brayshaw
Runner Up Best & Fairest: Macauley Gray
Most Improved: Andrew Woolston
Most Tenacious: Ned Murray
Coachs Award: Joel Bowditch
As always, our team relied upon terrific support off-field. The encouragement from the officials and parents has been fantastic all year. Thank you all.
Id rather not single out individuals, in case I forget anyone, however, Team Manager Lisa Murray-Segal was the heart n soul of our team and we are all greatly indebted to her.
Lastly, many thanks to Greg Taylor and Steve Jackson, who helped me at training and on the odd match day when I was absent. The team is in their hands next year and none of could think of a better coaching combination!
Go Rovers!
Mark Brayshaw
Under 11 East Coach