Juniors kicking in for a good cause

Hampton footballers will trade their red footy for tin cans when they pound the pavement for charity next week.


About 200 junior footballers from Hampton Rovers will take to the streets in a bid to raise more than $5000 for the Salavation Army.


Club life member Bill Mirabito, who has organised the fundraising event for five years, said the club had raised about $15,000 for charity.


?For the past five years we have won the mayoral charity shield for raising the most money out of all sporting clubs in Bayside,? he said.


?This is our way of teaching the kids the importance of putting something back into the community.?


Mr Mirabito said all junior footballers and their parents are encouraged to get involved.


?It is all about promoting awareness and showing how easy it is to give something back to people less fortunate than themselves,? he said.


?Each team is asked to door-knock for an hour or two.?


The Salvation Army national doorknock is this weekend.


Visit www.salvationarmy.org.au for more details.

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